Auction ID: #6860391
Apple MacBook Pro with Retina Display, 13"
8GB Memory - 128GB Flash
$ 178.68
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Total Value price: $ 3550.00
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13" MacBook Pro with Retina Display

The all-new 13-inch MacBook Pro features a stunning Retina display with over 4 million pixels. An advanced all-flash architecture and the latest Intel dual-core processor and graphics make everything amazingly fast. It has OS X Mountain Lion, the latest release of the world's most advanced desktop operating system. And the incredibly compact design measures just 0.75 inch thin and weighs only 3.57 pounds.

More Details

· Retina display with 2560-by-1600 resolution

· Advanced all-flash architecture

· Third-generation dual-core Intel Core i5 processor

· Integrated Intel HD Graphics 4000

· Two Thunderbolt ports for connecting high-performance devices & transferring data

· Two USB 3 ports (compatible with USB 2 devices) and HDMI

· FaceTime HD camera

· Multi-Touch trackpad

· OS X Mountain Lion

· 8GB Memory, 128GB Flash

· *Apple, the Apple logo, AirPort, FaceTime, iLife, Mac, MacBook, and OS X are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other

countries. Multi-Touch and Retina are trademarks of Apple Inc.

· *Intel, Pentium, Celeron, Core, Intel Inside and the Intel Inside logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its

subsidiaries in the United States and other countries.

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